Tên khóa học: Process Variation Aware Design

Mã số: PVAD

Nội dung đào tạo

  • Introduction – 1 lecture
  • Trends in Variability – 1 lecture
  • Sources of Variability – 1 lecture
  • Classification of Process Variations – 1 lecture
  • Systematic and Random Variations – 1 lecture
  • Solutions to Variability – 1 lecture
  • Impact of Process Variations on SRAM Cells – 1 lecture
  • SRAM Static Noise Margin Analysis – 1 lecture
  • Variation Tolerant SRAM Designs – 1 lecture
  • Conclusions and Future – 1 lecture

Mục đích đào tạo

  • Học viên có thể hiểu được phương pháp xử lý các vấn đề gây ra bởi Process variation cho các thiết kế Backend.

Tài liệu tham khảo

  • Static Timing Analysis for Nanometer Designs: A Practical Approach 2009th Edition
  • VLSI Physical Design: From Graph Partitioning to Timing Closure 2nd ed. 2022 Edition

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